California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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CSPS serves Notice Of Intent to sue Jensen Precast: Site pollutes already impacted Suisun Marsh and Suisun Bay

January 23, 2009 -- CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue for violations of the federal Clean Water Act  to Jensen Precast in Fairfield California.  Upon examination, the facility was found to illegally discharge polluted water into five different storm drains connected to the City of Fairfield's storm water drains. 

The discharge is in violation of the substantive and procedural requirements of the Industrial Stormwater General Permit to the Fairfield municipal stormsewer system that empties to Ledgewood Creek, Suisun Marsh and Suisun Bay. 

The notice letter details the facility's failure to prepare an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, comply with requirements to implement management measures and properly monitor discharges.  The polluted water contains substances in violation of numerous standards including iron, total suspended solids, oil & grease and pH.

Notice of Intent to Sue