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CSPA again complains of Wastewater permit changes made after public comment period is closed, San Andreas Wastewater the focus this time

February 4, 2009 -- CSPA has found another case of the Central Valley Board making redline changes to a wastewater permit (NPDES) after the public comment period is closed. Upon learning of the changes, CSPA notified the Regional Board regarding the uncirculated redline/strikeout late changes for the proposed San Andreas Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES permit. That permit will be considered on 5 February 2009. 

CSPA's Executive Director, Bill Jennings stated in the letter covering the comments that, "These very late changes continue the Central Valley Board's recent policy of routinely making significant and substantial late revisions to proposed NPDES permits without public circulation or provision for meaningful public comment."

The comment letter itself also addresses the changes in several paragraphs, the most pointed, "Apparently, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) no longer believes it is constrained by explicit regulatory requirements regarding issuance of NPDES permits that are contained in the federal Code of Regulations."

In the submission, CSPA again pointed out the inadequacies of the permit and is asking that the permit be brought into compliance with both state and federal laws.

CSPA comment letter regarding late revisions