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Delta Water Issues to be discussed in Antioch on January 23, public encouraged to attend


by Jan McCleery

January 15, 2010 -- An important panel discussion about the Delta Water issues will be held in Antioch on January 23.  I hope a lot of people who live in this area will attend to show we care about these issues. 
The meeting is sponsored by the League of Women Voters. County Supervisor Mary Piepho who was instrumental in getting the 2-Gates project postponed and Susanna Schlendorf from Joan Buchanan’s office will be two of the people on the panel.  Susanna (as well as Joan Buchanan) has been very supportive of our cause.  Susanna attended both meetings at Discovery Bay elementary about the 2-Gates. Karla Nemeth,  a third panelist, is the Resources Agency liaison to the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) and was the leader at the September BDCP Workshops advocating the Peripheral Canal.  The panel will also include representatives from water districts and should be a lively panel discussion with all sides represented. 
I’ve posted the meeting details and a link to the League of Women Voter’s website on a webpage I’m putting together to track state water information:
NOTE:  This meeting was mentioned in a letter to the editor in today’s Discovery Bay Press – BUT that editorial had the start time wrong.  It has been changed from 10 AM to 9:30 AM.  Plus the editorial didn’t include that Mary Piepho will be attending (she was added after initial plans were made).
Hope we see a lot of you there. 
Jan McCleery

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Member of the SFBDF – Save the San Francisco Bay and Delta Foundation