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Foothill Conservancy to hold advocacy workshop for Mokelumne River


March 25,2010 -- You’re invited: Please join us on Wednesday evening, April 7 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm to learn what you can do to help build the local support needed to save the Mokelumne River.
Why come? At this meeting, you’ll learn effective techniques for organizing your friends and neighbors to support protecting the Mokelumne. We need more community support to save the river.
Where: Foothill Conservancy office, 22540 Highway 88, corner of Red Corral Road east of Pine Grove (upstairs from Meneely Tool Rentals)
The threat to the river is still as great as ever.  East Bay MUD still has its sights set on raising Pardee Dam and drowning several miles of scenic river, wildlife and fish habitat, and cultural and historic resources.
One way to stop them is to protect the river with Wild and Scenic River designation. To get that done requires more community support than we have today.
You’ve already done a lot by signing up as an endorser of Wild and Scenic designation and we certainly appreciate that.  But we need more people to join you on that list.
We’re looking for good people like you to help us spread the word about protecting the Mokelumne -- caring people who will help us to persuade Congressman Dan Lungren to support Wild and Scenic designation.  He needs to know that thousands of people in his district care about preserving the Mokelumne River and expect him to get off the fence.
If you’d like to attend this valuable workshop and be a part of this rewarding campaign, please call Randy at the office and let us know you’re coming so we can have enough refreshments for everyone:209-295-4900
Thank you for caring about the Mokelumne River!