California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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Broad Coalition releases new report on sustainable California water solutions


August 17, 2009 -- CALIFORNIA WATER SOLUTIONS NOW, a game-changing report, was published today by a broad coalition of 23 fishing, public health, conservation, environmental justice, and tribal organizations.  Based on multiple scientific and engineering studies, it demonstrates how sustainable water management, including groundwater cleanup, water recycling, local storm water capture and cost-effective water conservation can provide the water needed to serve California’s projected population, economy and environment through 2050. 
Most of the actions detailed in the report will provide water to people and the environment almost immediately, at far lower costs and with significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than new dams and their associated infrastructure.  The report shows how California’s water needs can be met with reduced water exports from the Bay-Delta and expresses strong concerns about the proposed Peripheral Canal, which could route even higher levels of water away from the Delta than the already-harmful export levels of recent years.
The 42-page report highlights 10 Strategic Goals and 65 specific Recommendations that can carry California into the future, and in particular describes how the state can use current supplies and existing sustainable strategies more efficiently and cost-effectively. The report also shows how we can improve our valuable river habitats, eliminate discharges from contaminated agricultural lands, and improve other water quality problems, increase regional water self-sufficiency, and provide funding for environmental agencies. 
The groups have produced this report at the same time as the legislature is rushing to consider a package of bills that fails to include fundamental improvements in how we manage our water supplies. 
California Water Solutions Now is presented to show that, with real reforms, California can have a sustainable water future.
The report can be viewed on line at: http://ewccalifornia.org.
CONTACTS:   David Nesmith, Facilitator, Environmental Water Caucus
                              ewc@davidnesmith.com, 510-693-4979
                              Nick Di Croce, Report Lead Author
                              troutnk@aol.com, 805-688-7813
                              Steve Evans, Friends of the River
                              sevans@friendsoftheriver.org, 916-708-3155
                              Bill Jennings, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
                              deltakeep@aol.com, 209-938-9053
                              Linda Sheehan, California Coastkeeper Alliance
                              lsheehan@cacoastkeeper.org, 510-219-7330


Butte Environmental Council         
California Coastkeeper Alliance     
California Save Our Streams Council      
California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
California Striped Bass Association
California Trout
California Water Impact Network (C-WIN)
Clean Water Action
Desal Response Group
Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
Foothill Conservancy
Friends of the River
Friends of Trinity River
Northern California Council Federation of Fly Fishers
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations
Planning and Conservation League
Restore the Delta
Sacramento River Preservation Trust
Santa Clara County Creeks Coalition
Sierra Club California
Southern California Watershed Alliance
The Bay Institute
Winnemem Wintu Tribe