CSPA and a coalition of environmental organizations, including Sierra Club, Battle Creek Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, Central Coast Forest Watch, Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch, Klamath Forest Alliance, Center for Sierra Nevada Conservation, Environment Now, Pelican Network, Foothills Conservancy, Cascade Action Now, Forests Forever and Lassen Forest Preservation Group have requested that the State Water Resources Control Board pull a controversial proposal to weaken requirements in the timber harvesting waiver from the Board’s September 19,20 meeting agenda. Runoff from timber harvesting activities has great potential to harm fisheries and water quality.
The proposed modifications would eliminate requirements for timber companies to submit reports of waste discharge and associated enrollment fees for some 667 timber harvest plans that represent serious threats to water quality. The proposed modifications have not received a public hearing before the Central Valley Regional Board and have not benefited from a public comment period before the State Board. The letter requests that the State Board postpone consideration until a future Board meeting and reopen the public comment period so the proposed order may receive the careful, informed consideration that is needed to protect the public trust resources. Coalition Letter