On 9 February 2014, CSPA joined PCFFA, Golden Gate Salmon Association, Golden Gate Fishermen’s Association, Coastside Fishing Club and Water4fish in sending a letter to California Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer thanking them for opposing the disastrous HR 3964 (Valadao) and urging them to support drought legislation that maintains environmental protections, protects already degraded fisheries and focuses on management actions that can help water users in both the short and long term. These would include increased water conservation, wastewater recycling, environmentally benign water transfers and groundwater storage.
CSPA was also a signatory to a 9 February 2014 Environmental Water Caucus letter to the senators along similar lines. In addition, the EWC letter urged that drought relief legislation in the Senate not remove federal protection from a segment of the Merced Wild & Scenic River and not include support for the proposed Sites and Temperance Flat’s projects or the raise of Shasta Dam.