CSPA Protests Water Board’s Serial Weakening of Delta Fish Protection Standards

On 3 August 2015, CSPA filed a protest, objection and petition for reconsideration of the State Water Resources Control Board’s (State Board) issuance of a 3 July 2015 Order further weakening Bay-Delta water quality and flow standards protecting fish and wildlife between July and November. Over the last three years, the State Board has relaxed standards that were established to protect the environment during critical drought years 15 times. These actions have brought the Delta’s pelagic and salmonid fisheries to the brink of extinction. CSPA was the only fishing organization filing a protest and was joined by the California Water Impact Network and AquAlliance.  Restore the Delta and the Bay Institute also filed protests.

Protest   Attachment 1   Attachment 2   Attachment 3

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