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AB 1806 Passes in Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee hearing today

By Mike McKenzie, April 15, Sacramento.
Thanks to all who wrote letters of support for AB 1806. It no doubt helped. Today at the Water Parks and Wildlife Committee hearing during testimony, once we all spoke in support of the Bill, all the big guns from the water contractors came out in opposition to it (naturally). AB 1806 did pass the committee, with the SWP and CVP mitigation requirements still included, on a vote of 8-5.  The next stop will be the Assembly Appropriations Committee in a couple of weeks. It is not  anticipated to come up for an actual vote in Appropriations Committee for several weeks, probably later in May. We will give plenty of notice for any action to be taken at the proper time.
Also AB 2502, the Prospect Island Bill was passed out of  Committee, however we are probably looking at a few amendments to the Bill to address concerns expressed by those that spoke against the measure. We will keep you posted as it "evolves."