California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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Caples Lake Fish Rescue, day-by-day

Caples Lake Story, Day One
Pictures, Day One

Caples Lake Story, Day Two
Pictures, Day Two

Caples Lake Story, Day Three
Pictures, Day Three

Caples Lake Story, Day Four
Pictures, Day Four


Caples Lake fish rescue starts today. Over 35 DFG personnel assisted by over 85 volunteers will attempt to save trophy trout

August 26, 2008 -- Caples Lake CA -- The massive effort of rescuing a trophy trout fishery is beginning today. Caples Lake is being drained to effect repairs on the dam. The repairs require the lake to be drawn down to an extent that the lake's fishery will not survive the winter freeze.

The volunteer effort was organized by Chris Shutes, FERC Projects Director for CSPA and Jerry Neuburger, CSPA Webmaster as well as Barbara Bania of the SacSierra Trout Unlimited Chapter.

A series of reports will be posted on this website each night from the site including numerous photographs.