What Others Are Saying About CSPA
"More than any other organization, CSPA has been the ‘point’ group leading the effort before water boards, regulatory agencies, and the courts for fish protection. PCFFA highly treasures its relationship with CSPA and depends on CSPA’s efforts…"
W. F. "Zeke" Grader Jr., Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations
"CSPA’s sustained advocacy for Sportfisheries has won the respect of the state and federal agencies that control California’s streams and waterways. Without CSPA’s work and expertise, California’s Stream heritage would be much poorer."
Ron Stork, Friends of the River
"It is not unreasonable to say that the groundwork laid by CSPA could very will be the foundation upon which the continuing definition and application of the Public Trust Doctrine is based."
John Merz, Sacramento River Preservation Trust
"…CSPA is virtually the only fish conservation organization in the state that has made the effort to become conversant with the State Water Resources Control Board and the laws and policies under which California water is allocated away from fish and onto the land."
William M. Kier, Fisheries Consultant
"The profound institutional changes at local, state and federal agencies and commissions resulting from CSPA’s watchdog activities have given meaning and substance to the doctrine of the Public Trust."