Category Archives: Authors

CSPA, Coalition Issue Comments on BDCP Scoping Process

On 10 September 2014, CSPA, Friends of the River, the Environmental Water Caucus and California Water Impact Network sent a letter regarding the scoping process for recirculated Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) documents. BDCP announced that it would shortly announce … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Submits Information to Regional Board on Grassland Bypass Project

On 8 September 2014, CSPA and a Coalition of environmental and fishing groups, responding to a request by Central Valley Regional Board Chair Karl Longley, provided information on the estimated reduction in discharges of drainage, salt, selenium and boron from … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Submit Comments on BDCP Reasonable Range of Alternatives

On 4 September 2014, CSPA, Friends of the River, the Environmental Water Caucus and California Water Impact Network sent a letter regarding consideration of a reasonable range of alternative in any recirculated draft Plan, EIR/EIS and Implementing Agreement for the … Continue reading

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CSPA Releases 14-Point Analysis/Opposition to Water Bond

On 3 September 2014, the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) released a 14-Point Analysis and Statement of Opposition to the Proposition 1 Water Bond that is on the 4 November 2014 ballot. The $7.5 billion Bond includes $2.7 billion for … Continue reading

Posted in Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, Press Release, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA Releases 14-Point Analysis/Opposition to Water Bond

CSPA, Coalition Request Extension of Review Period for Statewide Pest EIR

On 2 September 2014, CSPA and 14 other environmental and health organizations sent a letter to the California Department of Food and Agriculture requesting a 90-day time extension of the public review period for the Statewide Plant Pest Prevention Programmatic … Continue reading

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EPA Comments put BDCP on Life Support; Prognosis Poor

The controversial Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) that proposes to construct two 35-mile long tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to divert Sacramento River water to agricultural plantations in the deserts of southern California was placed on life support following … Continue reading

Posted in Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, Press Release, Water Quality | Comments Off on EPA Comments put BDCP on Life Support; Prognosis Poor

CSPA Opposes Dam Building Water Bond

CSPA has carefully reviewed the provisions of Assembly Bill 1471, Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014, which is on the 4 November 2014 ballot as Proposition 1, Water Bond, and concludes that it represents a grave and insidious … Continue reading

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CSPA Settles Stanislaus County Well Drilling Permit Lawsuit Against Certain Parties

On 27 August 2014, CSPA and Protecting Our Water and Environmental Resources (POWER) reached a settlement with nine defendants in one of two Stanislaus County lawsuits filed over drilling permits for wells without California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review.  The … Continue reading

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CSPA Sues Truck Maintenance Facility in Pacheco

On 26 August 2014, CSPA filed a lawsuit against Republic Services Inc. & Allied Waste Systems Inc. for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit. Republic Services/Allied Waste … Continue reading

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CSPA Wins Major Clean Water Act Lawsuit Against Water Board

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) prevailed in a lawsuit against the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) regarding the wastewater discharge permit for the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (Treatment Plant).  Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael … Continue reading

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CSPA Files Complaint Against DWR, USBR for Illegal Diversion of Water

On 13 August 2014, CSPA filed a formal complaint with the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) alleging that the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) have been illegal diverting and exporting water … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, California Delta, Enforcement, Fisheries, Press Release, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on CSPA Files Complaint Against DWR, USBR for Illegal Diversion of Water

CSPA Assails Water Bond: A Return to 19th Century Solutions

On 13 August 2014, CSPA assailed Governor Brown’s $7.1 billion water bond as a poster-child of pork barrel politics, a rejection of 21st Century solutions and a return to the failures of the Dam Building era. Contrary to claims by … Continue reading

Posted in Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, Press Release, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA Assails Water Bond: A Return to 19th Century Solutions

CSPA, Coalition Submit Comments on North Coast Flow Impaired Rivers

On 8 August, CSPA joined with Earth Law Center, PCFFA, California Coastkeeper Alliance, Friends of the Eel River, Karuk Tribe and the Russian and Klamath Riverkeepers in submitting comments on the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s (Regional Board) … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, Fisheries, Uncategorized, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA, Coalition Submit Comments on North Coast Flow Impaired Rivers

CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Sacramento Concrete Facility

On 6 August 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Hanson Pipe and Precast, LLC for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  Hanson Pipe and Precast … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Submit Comments on State Board Agricultural Panel Recommendations

On 7 August 2014, CSPA joined the Otter Project, California Rural Legal Assistance, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, Santa Lucia Chapter of the Sierra Club, Santa Barbara Channelkeeper and the California Coastkeeper Alliance in commenting on the recommendations of a … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Afterthought Mine East of Redding

On 6 August 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to sue Agricultural Management and Production Co, Inc. for failure to obtain an NPDES permit in violation of the federal Clean Water Act.  Agricultural Management and Production operates the Afterthought … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Greenhorn Mine Northwest of Redding

On 6 August 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to sue Elkhorn Mine LLC for failure to obtain an NPDES permit in violation of the federal Clean Water Act.  Elkhorn Mine LLC owns the abandoned Greenhorn Mine facility that … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Submit Comments on State Board Trash Control Amendments

On 5 August 2014, CSPA joined a coalition on environmental organization in commenting on the State Water Resource Control Board’s proposed amendments to the Statewide Water Quality Control Plans to Control Trash.  Trash impairs the health of both humans and … Continue reading

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CSPA’s Assessment of Historical Habitat Restoration in the Delta

The Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) proposes to create approximately 150,000 acres of habitat in the Delta to compensate for the diversion of another 2.5 million-acre-feet (MAF) of water around the estuary.  This newly restored habitat would be in addition … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Sonoma Industrial Facility

On 31 July 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Soiland Co., Inc. for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit. Soiland Inc. operates a 30-acre industrial … Continue reading

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