Category Archives: Authors

CSPA Settles Lawsuit Against Ripon Manufacturing Facility

On 6 April 2014, CSPA settled a Clean Water Act lawsuit against Guntert & Zimmerman for violations of the California General Industrial Stormwater Permit. Guntert & Zimmerman operates a 22-acre construction machinery equipment and metal services used for processing, fabrication … Continue reading

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CSPA Files Lawsuit Against City of Watsonville for Pollution Discharges

On 4 April 2014 CSPA filed a lawsuit against the City of Watsonville for massive violations of the state’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit. The City of Watsonville operates a 7-acre recycling and solid waste processing facility that discharges polluted stormwater … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Call for Immediate Agency Action to List Rivers Impaired by Inadequate Flow

On 1 April 2014, CSPA joined Russian Riverkeeper, Klamath Riverkeeper, California Coastkeeper Alliance, Karuk Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fisherman’s Associations and Earth Law Center in submitting comments to the State Water Resources Control Board urging that the North Coast … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, Fisheries, Press Release, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on CSPA, Coalition Call for Immediate Agency Action to List Rivers Impaired by Inadequate Flow

CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Watsonville Manufacturing Facility

On 2 April 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue to S. Martinelli & Co. for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit. S. Martinelli & … Continue reading

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CSPA Joins SARA in Complaint Against Reclamation’s Folsom and Nimbus Dams

On 2 April 2014, CSPA joined Felix Smith, Save the American River Association, California Small Stream Council and Public Trust Alliance in filing a complaint with the State Water Resources Control Board regarding the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) operation … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Sacramento Recycler

On 31 March 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to River City Waste Recyclers, LLC for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit. River City Waste Recyclers … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Lathrop Manufacturing Facility

On 27 March 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Dragon Products, Ltd. for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  Dragon Products operates a 6.5-acre machinery … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Sacramento Auto Dismantler

On 21 March 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Pick-N-Pull Auto Dismantlers for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  Pick-N-Pull operates a 15-acre facility on … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Sacramento Concrete Facility

On 13 March 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue Jensen Precast for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  The 12-acre Sacramento concrete facility discharges … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Concrete Facility in Lincoln

On 13 March 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue Syar Concrete, LLC, which operates a ready mix concrete facility in Lincoln California.  The notice letter alleges that the facility illegally discharges pollutants to Markham Ravine, which flows … Continue reading

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CSPA Settles Lawsuit Against Pittsburg Chemical Facility

On 10 March 2014, CSPA settled a Clean Water Act lawsuit Criterion Catalysts & Technologies, LP, a 30-acre industrial inorganic chemical facility in Pittsburg, for violations of the federal Clean Water Act and their California General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  The … Continue reading

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Court Strikes Down Environmental Review of Kern Water Bank

On 5 March 2014, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Timothy M. Frawley ruled that the EIR for the operation of the Kern Water Bank, the nation’s largest underground water-banking operation, failed to comply with basic requirements of the California Environmental Quality … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, Enforcement, Fisheries, Press Release, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on Court Strikes Down Environmental Review of Kern Water Bank

CSPA and Coalition Comment on Draft Yuba River Application

CSPA and allied conservation groups in the Foothills Water Network have filed comments in the relicensing of the Yuba River Development Project.  Yuba County Water Agency’s (YCWA) project is currently in the relicensing process with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Watsonville Landfill

On 5 March 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue to the City of Watsonville for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  The City operates … Continue reading

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CSPA Protests State Board’s Drought Urgency Order

CSPA, CWIN and AquAlliance have filed a formal protest against the State Water Resource Control Board’s (State Board) Order Approving a Temporary Urgency Change in License and Permit Terms and Conditions Requiring Compliance with Delta Water Quality Objectives in Response … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on CSPA Protests State Board’s Drought Urgency Order

CSPA Submits Comments on Industrial General Permit

On 4 March 2014, CSPA submitted additional comments on the latest draft of the revised General Industrial Stormwater Permit to the State Water Resources Control Board.  The permit regulates the discharge of polluted stormwater from over 9,000 industrial facilities in … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Protest State Water Contract Provisions

On 3 March 2014, CSPA and a Coalition of environmental, fishing and tribal groups wrote Mark Cowin, Director of the Department of Water Resources (DWR), asking they he deny proposed changes in the water supply contracts that would shift fish … Continue reading

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CSPA Adopts Drought Position Paper

CSPA, along with the California Water Impact Network and AquAlliance, have adopted a general drought position paper.  The paper points out that, while drought occurs approximately 40% of the time in California, there is sufficient water for our cities, responsible … Continue reading

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California Committee on Salmon and Steelhead Recommends No BDCP

On 26 February 2014, the California Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead Trout sent California Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton Bonham a letter recommending that the Department deny an incidental take permit and Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP) … Continue reading

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CSPA Presses FERC for Tuolumne River Improvements

CSPA and allies have filed comments on major documents in the relicensing of the Don Pedro Project on the Tuolumne River.  In comments on the Updated Study Report and the Draft License Application, CSPA and nine other Conservation Groups dispute … Continue reading

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