Campaign Against the Tunnels Launched

On Monday 9 December 2013, CSPA and a broad statewide coalition, operating upper the banner of Californians for a Fair Water Policy, launched a campaign opposing Governor Brown’s water export tunnels.  In a press conference on the steps of the State Capitol, members pointed out the damage the scheme, euphemistically named the Bay Delta Conservation Program (BDCP) would have on water, the environment, fisheries, farming and water ratepayers.

Members of the coalition included CSPA, Restore the Delta, Food & Water Watch, Environmental Water Caucus, AquAlliance, Friends of the River, California Water Impact Network, Southern California Watershed Alliance, Sierra Club California, the Winnemem Wintu, Environmental Water Caucus, the Planning and Conservation League, Earth Law Center, the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, First Generation Farmers, California Striped Bass Association, Local Areas of the North Delta, the Butte Environmental Council, the South Delta Water Agency, and a dozen other groups plus a number of local and state elected leaders.

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