Category Archives: Authors

Groups Ask EPA to Overrule State Board on Temperature Impairments

CSPA and a coalition of fishing and environmental organizations have sent the United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) a letter asking the agency to overrule the State Water Resource Control Board’s refusal to list the San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne and … Continue reading

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CSPA Submits Comments on Draft Pesticide Spray Permit

CSPA has submitted comments on the State Water Resource Control Board’s draft General Permit covering point source discharges of residual pesticides from spray applications for pest control.  Pest control covered by this General Permit includes invasive species of both insects … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues NOI to Sawmill in Chico for Violations of Clean Water Act

On 29 October 2010, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue Woodply Forest Products in Chico California for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.  The notice letter alleges that the Sawmill and Planing Mill is illegally discharging polluted … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues NOI to Millwork Facility in Red Bluff for Violations of Clean Water Act

On 22 October 2010, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue Sierra Pacific Industries in Red Bluff California, for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.  The notice letter alleges that the 40-acre millwork facility is illegally discharging polluted … Continue reading

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Not Just Another Bass Tournament, This One Had Three Divisions

By Corey Cate, CSPA Secretary Bobby Barrack, Mike Frost, and Russo’s Marina teamed to create a Bass tournament with conventional fishers, kick boaters, and fly fishermen! The tournament was held on Bethel Island on Sunday, October 17th,  for Restore The … Continue reading

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CSPA Petitions State Board to Review Four NPDES Permits (City of Auburn, Davis, Galt and Placer County)

CSPA Petition For Review: City of Auburn NPDES CSPA Petition For Review: City of Davis NPDES CSPA Petition For Review: City of Galt NPDES CSPA Petition For Review: Placer SMD#1 NPDES

Posted in Bill Jennings, Enforcement, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA Petitions State Board to Review Four NPDES Permits (City of Auburn, Davis, Galt and Placer County)

Foothills Water Network, Including CSPA, Asks FERC to Study Water Supply in Hydropower Relicensing

By Chris Shutes, FERC Projects Director In a comment letter filed in the dockets of the coordinated relicensing of the Yuba-Bear and Drum-Spaulding hydroelectric projects, the Foothills Water Network has taken the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to task for failure … Continue reading

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State Board cancels San Joaquin application

By Chris Shutes, CSPA Projects Director The Division of Water Rights of the State Water Resources Control Board has canceled the application of San Joaquin County to divert South Fork American River water through EBMUD’s Freeport diversion on the Sacramento … Continue reading

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CSPA Comments on Draft EIR for El Dorado Water Rights Applications

Chris Shutes, CSPA Water Rights Advocate CSPA has filed comments on El Dorado Water and Power Authority’s Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Supplemental Water Rights Project Acquisition of 40,000 Acre- Feet Per Year of New Consumptive Water Rights. Under … Continue reading

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CSPA Protests DWR Water Rights Petitions

Chris Shutes, CSPA Water Rights Advocate CSPA has protested petitions for extension of time filed by the Department of Water Resources with the State Water Resources Control Board. DWR seeks an additional 5 years to increase the amount of water … Continue reading

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CSPA, CWIN and AquAlliance comment on DFG’s draft flow criteria for the Delta and Tributaries

By Bill Jennings, CSPA Executive Director The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Water Impact Network and AquAlliance have submitted comments on the draft flow report issued by the California Department of Fish and Game. In November 2009, the California Legislature … Continue reading

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Governor Signs Bill to Improve Regional Water Self Sufficiency

By John Beuttler, CSPA Conservation Director Governor Schwarzenegger has signed Senate Bill 918 authored by State Senator Fran Pavley and co-sponsored by the Planning & Conservation League and the WateReuse Association. The new law directs the State Department of Public … Continue reading

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CSPA Submits Comments to RWQCB Over the Renewal of Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant’s NPDES Permit

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has reviewed the tentative Waste Discharge Requirements (NPDES No. CA0077682) for the Sacramento Regional   Wastewater Treatment Plant (Permit) and respectfully submits the following comments. CSPA requests status as a designated party for this proceeding. … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, Water Quality | 2 Comments

CSPA and Others Attempt to Stop the Hijacking of Delta Water at ‘Closed Door’ Meeting…

Delta and Fishing Activists Disrupt Secret Delta Meetings For Immediate Release — September 30, 2010 Bill Jennings – 209-464-5067 Dan Bacher – 916-685-2245, ext. 224 Brett Baker – 916-719-6586 A Thursday morning meeting of Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) principals … Continue reading

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CSPA Comments on PEIR for Irrigated Agriculture

By Bill Jennings, CSPA Executive Director The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has submitted extensive comments on the draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board’s (Regional Board) irrigated lands project that regulates … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues NOI to Landfill in Chico for Violations of Clean Water Act

On 29 September 2010, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Butte County’s Neal Road Landfill and Recycling Facility in Chico California, for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.  The notice letter alleges that the concrete products manufacturing facility … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues NOI to Concrete Products Facility in Orland for Violations of Clean Water Act

On 22 September 2010, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Valley Rock Product’s Stony Creek Facility in Orland California, for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.  The notice letter alleges that the concrete products manufacturing facility is illegally … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues NOI to Construction Equipment Rental in Redding for Violations of Clean Water Act

On 22 September 2010, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to United Rentals Branch No. 557 located in Redding California, for violations of the federal Clean Water Act.  The notice letter alleges that the 2.7 acre construction equipment rental and … Continue reading

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CSPA Comments on Future Operation of Oroville

By Chris Shutes, CSPA FERC Projects Director CSPA has filed comments on the third Draft 401 Water Quality Certification for the relicensing of the Oroville Facilities. The State Water Resources Control Board issued its third draft certification on July 2, … Continue reading

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CSPA Files for Party Status on Mokelumne Pumped Storage

By Chris Shutes, FERC Projects Director CSPA has filed for party status in a proceeding before the Public Utilities Commission. In the proceeding, Pacific Gas & Electric Company seeks permission to charge its ratepayers $40 Million to initiate a FERC … Continue reading

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