CSPA is proud to report that our legal work to protect water quality continues to generate monetary settlements that are donated to foundations and other organizations that protect water quality. While the primary focus of CSPA’s enforcement efforts is to eliminate continuing pollution, settlements generally include mitigation payment for past damage to the environment. These settlements are approved by the courts and U.S. Department of Justice and, by law, cannot benefit or be directed to CSPA.
For example, the largest recipient of CSPA’s mitigation funds is the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment. The Rose Foundation is a grant-making public charity that provides much needed funds for environmental and community projects. Since 2005, CSPA has contributed more than $7.2 million in settlement funds to the Rose Foundation.
In 2017 and 2018, environmental mitigation funds from CSPA’s cases enabled the Rose Foundation to award 31 grants totaling $486,500 to organizations working to protect and benefit watersheds throughout much of California. Specific watersheds included the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Russian River, San Francisco Bay, and Monterey Bay. Supported projects included citizen science-based water quality monitoring; legal and technical advocacy to protect water flows and water quality; habitat restoration; community mobilization events that engaged thousands of volunteers in hands-on stewardship; media and public outreach projects; and environmental education to build a new generation of conservation leadership.
Here is a report from the Rose Foundation, which provides short summaries and source-of-funds information for grants enabled by the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance in 2017 and 2018.
By supporting CSPA, CSPA’s donors and members are thus supporting numerous projects and organizations across the state. Please consider donating to CSPA, joining, or renewing your membership today.