Sacramento Temperature Misc Documents
Below are misc. historical documents related to Sacramento temperature standards Red Bluff Temperature 2001-2019 pdf copy Salmon Pop, Sac R, 2017, CDFW copy nmfs_s_draft_proposed_2017_rpa_amendment_-_january_19__2017 4-30-20 drafrt TMP CNRA et al. v. Ross et al. First Amended Complain 042120 2021 documents added, Sacramento Temperature Control and Delta TUCP, 6 June 2021 CSPA et al. Request, SWRCB,…
Misc Historical Documents
Below are misc. historical documents related to Grasslands, Westlands and Discharges into the San Joaquin River Cost Allocation Letters https://calsport.org/news/wp-content/uploads/Final-USBR-Cost-Allocation-Methodology-Cmt-Letter-6-4-2014-IFR-Coalition….pdf https://calsport.org/news/wp-content/uploads/PCL-et.-al.-Cmts-Re-Draft-CVP-Cost-Allocation-Study-April-2019.highlight….pdf https://calsport.org/news/wp-content/uploads/PCL-IFR-Coalition-CVP-Cost-Allocation-Completion-October-2019-Cmts.pdf RE_ Meeting Availability for Cost Allocation Study listening sessions – August 19-23, 2019 RE_ Meeting Availability for Cost Allocation Study Listening Sessions, August 2019 Contracts—WWD permanent and interim, Transfers –SLDMWA delta pumps, Cost Allocations—making it…