Category Archives: Authors

CSPA Files Lawsuit Against Sacramento Auto Recycler

On 21 May 2014, CSPA filed a lawsuit against Pick-N-Pull Auto Dismantlers for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  Pick-N-Pull operates a 15-acre automobile dismantling facility on … Continue reading

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CSPA Submits Comments on State Board Attack on Water Rights System

On 19 May 2014, CSPA and CWIN submitted comments for the State Water Resource Control Board’s (Board) workshop on options for drought related curtailments of post-1914 water rights in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.  The Board has proposed a series … Continue reading

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CSPA Submits Comments on Recycled Water Discharge Requirements

On 20 May 2014, CSPA submitted comments on the proposed General Order Waste Discharge Requirements for Recycled Water by the State Water Resources Control Board.  The Order will regulate the discharge of recycled water to land and surface waters.  CSPA … Continue reading

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CSPA and Two Fishing and Environmental Coalitions Oppose Feinstein Drought Bill

On 19 May 2014, CSPA and a broad coalition of commercial and sport fishing organizations sent a letter to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Reid and Merkley expressing opposition to S. 2198 and on 16 May 2014, CSPA joined the Environmental Water … Continue reading

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CSPA Protests Latest State Board Drought Urgency Order

On 13 May 2014, CSPA, CWIN and AquAlliance filed a formal Protest, Objection and Request for Reconsideration of the State Water Resources Control Board’s 2 May 2014 Temporary Urgency Drought Order.  The Order represents the eighth time within ninety days … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on CSPA Protests Latest State Board Drought Urgency Order

CSPA Joins EWC in Requesting BDCP Time Extension

On 16 May 2014, CSPA joined the Environmental Water Caucus in requesting that the public comment period for the BDCP EIR/EIS be extended for a minimum of 60 days.  The extension was requested because the BDCP proponents had failed to … Continue reading

Posted in Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA Joins EWC in Requesting BDCP Time Extension

CSPA Joins Coalition in Urging Protection for Wild & Scenic Rivers

On 16 May 2014, CSPA joined Friends of the River and 40 other environmental, fishing and whitewater organizations in expressing opposition to H.R. 3964 in separate letters to Senators Udall, Feinstein and Boxer.  The Bill attempts to commandeer water from … Continue reading

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Press Conference: Experts Criticize Flawed BDCP Process, Missing Implementation Agreement

On May 14 2014, CSPA Executive Director Bill Jennings joined Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Restore the Delta; Bob Wright, Friends of the River; Osha Meserve and Local Agencies of the North Delta; in a media call to discuss the flawed BDCP process. … Continue reading

Posted in Bay Delta Conservation Plan, California Delta, Denise Zitnik, Press Release | Comments Off on Press Conference: Experts Criticize Flawed BDCP Process, Missing Implementation Agreement

CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Paradise Recycle and Landfill Facility

On 7 May 2014, CSPA sent a notice of intent to sue Northern Recycling & Waste Services for ongoing violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit. Northern Recycling & … Continue reading

Posted in Denise Zitnik, Enforcement, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Paradise Recycle and Landfill Facility

State Board Again Weakens Bay-Delta Standards; Refuses to Enforce the Law; Fish Suffer

On 6 May 2014, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) held an informal workshop on the latest changes to water quality and flow standards established to protect public trust resources in the Bay-Delta estuary. The Board, on 2 … Continue reading

Posted in Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, State Board Bay-Delta Standards, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on State Board Again Weakens Bay-Delta Standards; Refuses to Enforce the Law; Fish Suffer

CSPA Protests Latest State Board Drought Temporary Urgency Change Order

On 28 April 2014, CSPA, CWIN and AquAlliance formally protested the State Water Resource Control Board’s latest Temporary Urgency Order further relaxing water quality criteria and flow standards in the Delta to expedite increased water exports.  The 18 April Order … Continue reading

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CSPA Issues Notice of Intent to Sue Gilroy Manufacturing Facility

On 24 April 2014, CSPA sent a Notice of Intent to Sue to Olam West Coast, Inc. for violations of the substantive and procedural requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.  Olam West Coast … Continue reading

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CSPA Questions El Dorado Plan to Permit Water in Order to Sell It

On March 13, 2014, El Dorado Water and Power Authority issued a Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for what it now calls the “El Dorado Water Reliability Project.”   The project as proposed is a second run at … Continue reading

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CSPA, Delta Water Agencies, Restore the Delta Submit Comments on Proposed Bonds

On 23 April 2014, CSPA joined Central Delta Water Agency, South Delta Water Agency, Restore the Delta and Local Agencies of the North Delta is submitting comments on three proposed Bond issues that are being considered by the state legislature.  … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Submit Comments on Temperance Flat Dam Feasibility Report

On 21 April 2014, CSPA joined NRDC, Friends of the River and The Bay Institute in submitting comments on the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Draft Feasibility Report for the Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Investigation – Temperance Flat Reservoir.  … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Urge Governor Brown to Establish Groundwater Regulations that Protect Public Trust Resources

On 15 April 2014, CSPA joined PCFFA, California Coastkeeper Alliance, Environmental Water Caucus, California Water Impact Network, Earth Law Center, Karuk Tribe, Environment Now and Klamath Riverkeeper in urging Governor Jerry Brown to reform groundwater management in California.  The coalition … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, Fisheries, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on CSPA, Coalition Urge Governor Brown to Establish Groundwater Regulations that Protect Public Trust Resources

Where is the Missing BDCP Implementation Agreement?

When the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) released its 40,000 pages of planning and environmental review documents for public comment, the Implementation Agreement was conspicuously absent.   However, the Implementation Agreement revealing the commitments to species recovery and how the Delta … Continue reading

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CSPA Appeals Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin County/Delta WDRs for Irrigated Lands to State Water Board

On 11 April 2014, CSPA appealed the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board’s approval of general waste discharge requirements (WDRs) for growers within the Western San Joaquin River Watershed and San Joaquin County and Delta that are members of … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, Clean Farms - Clean Water, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA Appeals Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin County/Delta WDRs for Irrigated Lands to State Water Board

CSPA Assails BDCP at the San Joaquin State of Our Rivers Symposium

On 3 April 2014, CSPA Executive Director Bill Jennings presented a critique of the devastating impacts that implementation of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) will have on the Delta and local tributary rivers.  Other Key Note speakers included DWR … Continue reading

Posted in Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Bill Jennings, California Delta, Fisheries, Water Quality, Water Rights | Comments Off on CSPA Assails BDCP at the San Joaquin State of Our Rivers Symposium

CSPA Protests Attempt to Roll Back 1998 Water Rights Agreement

In 1992, CSPA protested a water rights application by the June Lakes Public Utilities District in Mono County.  In 1998, June Lakes PUD agreed to incorporate  a minimum streamflow requirement of 200 gallons per minute at its diversion on Fern … Continue reading

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