On 19 May 2014, CSPA and a broad coalition of commercial and sport fishing organizations sent a letter to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Reid and Merkley expressing opposition to S. 2198 and on 16 May 2014, CSPA joined the Environmental Water Caucus in sending a similar letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer.
Both letters pointed out that the drought was caused by extraordinarily dry conditions and not by the biological opinions and that relaxing environmental standards would not eliminate water shortages. The Bill could, however, result in lasting damage to the fishing community. The letters noted that the State Water Board had already implemented many of the Bill’s elements and expressed deep concerned that passage of S. 2198 could lead to additional rollbacks of environmental protection in conference negotiations with the sponsors of H.R. 3964 (Valadao).
Environmental Water Coalition Letter Fishing Coalition Letter