Category Archives: Fisheries

CSPA Joins with CWIN, PCFFA and AquAlliance in Commenting on Delta Plan and EIR

On 2 February 2012, the Law Offices of Michael Jackson, representing the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, California Water Impact Network, Pacific Coast Federation of Fisherman’s Associations and AquAlliance submitted extensive comments on the Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Plan and Environmental … Continue reading

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CSPA Sues Bureau Over CVP Contracts

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA), North Coast River Alliance, Friends of the River and the Winneman Wintu Tribe have sued the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), in Federal Court, over interim Central Valley Project water delivery contracts.  Specifically, the … Continue reading

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Lawsuit filed to Stop Toxic Discharges to San Joaquin River

On 9 November 2011, the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, Friends of the River, Crab Boat Owners Association and retired USFWS biologist Felix Smith sued the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and San Luis Delta Mendota … Continue reading

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CSPA, broad coalition submit highly critical comments and issue press release on Delta Plan

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has joined more than 200 other environmental, environmental justice, tribal and commercial and recreational fishing organization in submitting extensive comments on the Delta Stewardship Council’s Fifth Draft Delta Plan.  The coalition letter notes that … Continue reading

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CSPA Releases Report on Regional Board’s Failure to Comply with Pollution Control Regulations

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has released an evaluation of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board’s (Regional Board) compliance with state and federal regulations governing the issuance of permits controlling discharges of municipal and industrial wastes to … Continue reading

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Comments submitted on San Joaquin River Restoration Program EIR/EIS

On 21 September 2011, CSPA and the California Water Impact Network, AquAlliance, Pacific Coast Federation of Fisherman’s Associations, Planning and Conservation League and the Institute for Fisheries Research submitted joint comments on the Draft Program Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Oppose Efforts to Weaken Timber Harvest Rules

CSPA and a coalition of environmental organizations, including Sierra Club, Battle Creek Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, Central Coast Forest Watch, Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch, Klamath Forest Alliance, Center for Sierra Nevada Conservation, Environment Now, Pelican Network, Foothills Conservancy, Cascade … Continue reading

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CSPA joins Foothill Conservancy and FOR in asking DWR to not certify EBMUD’s Urban Water Management Plan

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA), Foothill Conservancy and Friends of the River (FOR) have asked the California Department of Water Resources not to certify East Bay Municipal Utility District’s (EBMUD) Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP).  The 23 page 12 … Continue reading

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Waterboard admits it has no water quality data in Battle Creek watershed

Responding to a CSPA Public Records Act (PRA) request, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board was forced to admit it had never conducted water quality monitoring in the Battle Creek watershed, wasn’t in possession of any data from … Continue reading

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CSPA Press Release

For comment please contact: Bill Jennings, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, 209-938-9053 and/or Carolee Krieger, California Water Impact Network, 805-969-0824 After a federal study warns San Joaquin River’s toxic agricultural wastewater load too high, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation bans representatives of fishing and … Continue reading

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CSPA submits comments on draft economic sustainability plan for the Delta

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has provided comments on the second administrative draft of the Delta Protection Commission’s (Commission) draft economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.  CSPA attended a 24 August workshop, reviewed the draft plan and … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Sue Westlands over Contract Renewals

CSPA, Friends of the River, North Coast River Alliance, Save the American River and the Winnemen Wintu Tribe filed a lawsuit against Westlands Water District (and its two water distribution districts) over the renewal of six interim Central Valley Project … Continue reading

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CSPA Analyzes Water Quality Data for Battle Creek

CSPA technical staff has reviewed water quality monitoring data collected by the Battle Creek Alliance and finds evidence of adverse changes in water quality conditions attributable to clean-cutting activities, and numerous and continuing exceedances of the turbidity water quality standards … Continue reading

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The Bizarre Saga of CSPA, Deer Creek and the Regional Board

Anyone wondering how California waterways became so polluted should examine the Saga of Deer Creek.  In 2008, CSPA submitted comments to the Regional Water Board contending that the proposed waste discharge permit for El Dorado Irrigation District’s Deer Creek wastewater … Continue reading

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CSPA Joins Coalition Response Opposing H.R. 1837

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) joined a coalition of fishing organizations opposing Congressman Devin Nunes’ H.R. 1837, the so-called San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act. The proposed bill would devastate efforts to restore California’s degraded salmonid fisheries by gutting … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition Oppose Reduction in Grasslands Selenium Monitoring

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) and a coalition of fishing and environmental organizations sent an 11 August 2001 joint letter vigorously opposing efforts to reduce monitoring of selenium and other contaminates discharged from the Grasslands Bypass Project.  Earlier this … Continue reading

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CSPA Appeals Agricultural Waiver and EIR

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) and California Water Impact Network (C-WIN) have appealed the extension of the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) Waiver and the ILRP Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) adopted by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality … Continue reading

Posted in Bill Jennings, California Delta, Clean Farms - Clean Water, Enforcement, Fisheries, Press Release, Water Quality | Comments Off on CSPA Appeals Agricultural Waiver and EIR

Carnage at the Predator Pumps Continues Unabated

The horrific counts of pelagic and anadromous fish “consumed” by the predator water export pumping facilities continue unabated.  As of 11 June 2011, 8,830,515 splittail, 246,833 striped bass, 33,822 large mouth bass, 35,435 salmon, 60,822 bluegill, 50, 634 white catfish, … Continue reading

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CSPA joins Delta Coalition Letter Against H.R. 1837

On 5 July 2011, CSPA, Restore the Delta, City of Stockton, County of San Joaquin, area legislators and numerous Delta organizations jointly submitted a letter to the House Subcommittee on Water and Power strongly opposing H.R. 1837.  The proposed legislation … Continue reading

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CSPA, Coalition opposes amendment of OTC policy

On 5 July 2011, the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) and a coalition of environmental groups jointly submitted a detailed comment letter opposing a proposed amendment to the State Water Resource Control Board’s policy on the use of coastal and … Continue reading

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