• Newsom “Strategy” Condemns Central Valley Salmon to “Hotter, Drier Future”

    The “California Salmon Strategy” announced January 30, 2024 by the Newsom Administration is a tour de force of avoidance and deflection. It blows right past the single largest issue facing California’s salmon: inadequate flows into and through the Bay-Delta Estuary. The Newsom administration has been, and continues to be, on the wrong side of Delta…

  • CSPA Strong after 40 Years: We Will Not Surrender this Delta!

    The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance celebrated its fortieth birthday in 2023.  CSPA’s year of birth, 1983, was one year after California voters voted down the “peripheral canal” to divert water around the Delta. CSPA’s mission to protect fisheries, habitat, and water quality is a good idea that lives on. Unfortunately, the Department of Water Resources’…

  • More Delta Flow or Delta Tunnel? One Good Decision Will Stop the Next Bad Decision

    On December 8, 2023, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) issued its Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for its Proposed “Delta Conveyance Project” (aka tunnel under the Delta).  In thousands of pages of responses to comments, DWR affirms that its Draft EIR was right on just about everything. One thing DWR says it was right…

  • Groundwater Gold Rush

    The groundwater gold rush is on.  New projects to divert rivers for groundwater recharge are popping up across the state.  Most of these projects are temporary, but most also explicitly foresee long-term, permanent projects.  These recharge projects threaten to divert still more water from already-depleted rivers, even as the State Water Resources Control Board (State…

  • CSPA, Friends of the River, and Allies Protest Water Rights for Proposed Sites Reservoir

    The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) and Friends of the River (FOR) led a coalition of environmental groups and the Winnemem Wintu Tribe in a protest of the water right application for the proposed Sites Reservoir.  CSPA filed the protest with the State Water Resources Control Board on August 31, 2023. In addition to CSPA,…