Coalition Requests Emergency Action on Scott River

CSPA joined with the Karuk Tribe, California Coastkeeper Alliance, Pacific Coast Federation of Fisherman’s Associations, Earth Law Center and Klamath Riverkeeper in requesting that the State Water Resources Control Board and California Department of Fish and Wildlife take emergency action to increase flows in the Scott River.  The request included a proposed emergency plan to save Scott River fisheries.

Excessive water diversions threaten to completely dewater critical reaches of the river killing ESA listed Coho salmon, Chinook salmon, Pacific lamprey and steelhead.  Given the imminent threat of massive fish kills, the coalition asks the Board and DF&W to take action, pursuant to their authorities under the Public Trust Doctrine, Fish and Game Code Section 5937, California and Federal Endangered Species Acts and the Reasonable Use Doctrine in Article X, Section 2 of the state Constitution.

Letter to SWRCB and DF&W