CSPA et al. Assails Water Board’s Delta Tunnel Hearing Process

On 24 November 2015, CSPA joined Friends of the River, Restore the Delta and the Environmental Water Caucus in sending a letter to the State Water Resources Control Board regarding the hearing process with respect to the petition by the Department of Water Resources and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to change the point of diversion in the Delta for their water rights. The change in the point of diversion is a crucial requirement for the California WaterFix water tunnels project.

The letter told the Water Board that it must produce its own environmental document because the WaterFix environmental document is irreparably and fundamentally inadequate and fails to address numerous issues related to a change in the point of diversion.  The letter also pointed out that the Board should establish revised and legally protective water quality standards before it schedules hearings on the WaterFix project.  It urged the State Water Board to postpone the hearing until an adequate environmental document could be prepared and/or recommended that the Board prepare its own environmental document for the proposed new diversion point. Protests on the petition are due on the fifth of January and lengthy evidentiary hearings are scheduled to begin in April 2015.

Letter to State Water Board