CSPA’s Submits Comments at the Conclusion of the Water Fix’s RDEIR/SDEIS Public Comment Period

On October 30, 2015 the public comment period for the Recirculated Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS for Bay Delta Conservation Plan/California WaterFix (RDEIR/SDEIS) ended. CSPA submitted comments with CWIN and AquAlliance, and in a separate effort worked closely with the Environmental Water Caucus in developing the coalition’s comments.

CSPA’s comments focus in on persistent flaws within the Water Fix environmental documents, including:

  • The failure to develop and consider a range of reasonable alternatives, most notably alternatives that would increase Delta outflow and reduce Delta exports
  • Absence of requirements for state-of-the-art fish screens on South Delta export pumps that will continue to operate even if the tunnels are built
  • The failure to adequately disclose and analyze the impacts to water quality and contaminant control that would result from diverting large amounts of water in the North Delta
  • Myriad legal shortcomings in violation of NEPA and CEQA, including an inadequate description of the baseline condition of ecosystem collapse and the deferral of mitigation to an unspecified future
  • Incoherent and obtuse presentation, and organization that makes reasoned decision making impossible

You can trace CSPA’s long term commitment to stop the tunnels on the No Bay Delta Conservation Plan Campaign.

CSPA, et al. Comments on Water Fix RDEIR/SDEIS

EWC Water Fix RDEIR/SDEIS Comments