CSPA Comments on the Crisis in Delta at SWRCB

On May 20, 2015 the State Water Board held a workshop to hear comments on its April 6 Order that approved relaxed Delta flow and water quality standards until June. During the public comment period CSPA’s Bill Jennings presented yet again on catastrophic impacts weakening water quality standard has on the health of the Delta.

The presentation summarized the mismanagement by DWR and Bureau that has led to an estimated loss of 91% of Delta Smelt over the last three years, and devastating decline of 95% winter-run, 99% spring-run, and 97% fall-run Chinook salmon in 2014 alone. In contrast farming profits and jobs in both the Sacramento Valley and San-Joaquin Valley actually increased during the drought.

CSPA Presentation SWRCB – May 20 2015.PDF