Support CSPA’s Actions to Enforce the Clean Water Act

CSPA is working with Lawyers for Clean Water, Inc. on a Clean Water Act enforcement action against an industrial facility near the Stanislaus River in Oakdale. Stormwater discharges from the dairy feed manufacturing and heavy equipment storage facility flow into the Stanislaus River, which conveys the pollutants to the San Joaquin River and then to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

Downstream of FacilityUnder the citizen-suit provisions of the federal Clean Water Act, CSPA has issued a notice letter informing the owners of the facility of specific violations that CSPA has identified under the federal Clean Water Act and California’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit.

During this fourth year of drought, CSPA is working harder than ever. Please consider donating to the CrowdDefend campaign for this enforcement action. Your donation will support CSPA’s continued leadership in enforcing the Clean Water Act, and more importantly it will help to prevent the illegal pollution of California’s rivers.